World Orangutan Events (WOE) Policy

Membership Policy

Members must:

  1. Support orangutan conservation and/or welfare,

  2. Promote positive relationships between orangutan organizations,

  3. Not use social or other media to seek to bring another member into disrepute and,

  4. Use public donations for primary purpose of orangutan conservation and/or welfare.
Event Policy

WOE events must be:
  1.  Open to participation of all members, and

  2. Be able to support conservation and/or welfare of all participating members.

Event ‘Activities’ Policy

  1. WOE seeks each member organization to nominate one (1) event ‘activity’ to participate in each the WOE event.

  2. WOE will publicize the ‘activities’ and success of each member’s nominated activity through WOE social media network.

  3. WOE partner events ‘activities’ can include, but no limited to: fundraising events, fundraising drives, competitions, and petitions, either conducted in the physical and/or virtual environment.

Social Media Posting Policy

All WOE social media post must:

  1. Be directly related to a WOE event or member’s ‘activity’, or

  2. An orangutan related news, or press clippings from free media (not media releases of partner organization), or

  3. Any non-partisan petitions related to orangutan conservation and welfare.

Website Policy

Will state the above policy and provide equal billing and opportunity to all partner organizations.

Finance Policy

WOE will not seek, nor accept donations.

No Criticism Policy

WOE will not support, endorse, or engage in any criticisms on any circumstances whatsoever for the benefit of orangutan conservation and rescue. WOE will always remain non-partisan and non-biased against any individual, group, government, or belief system.